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(The Bible)

The story begins wuit Ahasuerus, king of 127 provinces from India to Ethiopia, having a great feast in celebration of his good fortune. During the feast he orders his queen , Vashti, to join him. She refuses and he grows angry at her and after consulting with his advisors he decreed that she was to be set aside and another is to become queen. He then sends for all the young viigins to come to his palace. Among them is Haddassah, cousin of Mordecia, whom he had raised as his own daughter. She was beautiful and the king chose her above all others and gave her the name Esther. On Mordecai?s warning she did reveal herself or her kinfolk to be Jewish. Each day, Mordecai would sit outside the gate of the palace, waiting to see how she was doing. One day, he overheard a plot between two fo the King?s chamberlains to have him killed. He relayed the informati ont esther, who then told her husband. The plotters were found out and put to death and Esther gained much favour. He also has a fovrite among the princes, Haman, who he makes prime minister. Haman, who had al altercatio nwith Mordecai because mordecai refuse to bow to him, hated the Jewish people. Haman nad his wife Zeresh, convince the king to decree that all jews, old and young, male nad female be put to death in all provinces. When Esther hears of this decree she is distraught and sends for Mordecai but he will not be comforted. Even though it was death for her to approach the king without his bidding, she dressed in her finest attire and went to court the next day. The king granted he an audience and she invited him and Haman to a feast she had prepared. At the feast she begs him not to her and her people be wronged and when he inquires who did this wrong she tells of Haman and his vengence. Haman is then removed and hung and Mordecai is granted a Haman?s position in the court, for his prior deed of saving the king.

Resumos Relacionados

- Christian Bible

- Esther

- Ester

- A História De Esther

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