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(King Solomon)

The book of proverbs is a remarkable collection of intense knowledge and intricate wisdom. It covers many subjects and facets of life from wealth to poverty; from lust to discipline. Most of it is written by King Solomon, son of David, but it also holds the works of other wise individuals such as Agur the son of Jaheh, and King Lemuel.
Great emphasis is placed in wisdom in much of King Solomon?s Proverbs: the importance of wisdom is outlined throughout his words. Wisdom according to him is the greatest weapon any man can have, and wisdom comes only from God. Wisdom and knowledge are the keys to survival; the only antidotes to the toxic elements of pain, anguish and destruction that enslaves the simple minded and foolish.
The first four chapters describe the value of certain virtues that are imperative for blissful survival such as obedience, righteousness, and wisdom. The next three chapters are warnings against vices of life such as unchastity, idleness, falsehood, adultery and other forms of immorality . The next chapter expounds more on the beauty of wisdom thus creating a solid foundation on which the next two chapters base their arguments and debates on. The next twelve chapters are an exquisite collection of wise sayings and phrases which have directed and guided many a weary soul throughout history. Solomon devotes his last chapter to the comparison of the malevolent and the upright and explains that to be righteous is more advantageous than indulging in wickedness. The last two chapters are composed of Agur?s observations and King Lemuel?s words which he learnt from his mother.
The book of Proverbs is a treasury that will ameliorate the situation of any man whether he is rich in knowledge or lacking thereof. It is a pool of wisdom which every man has to swim in to refresh their souls spiritually and enhance their lives in all aspects.

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