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The Lord Of The Rings: Fellowship Of The Rings
(J.R.R. Tolkien)

The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings is a novel in the
Lord of the Rings trilogy, written by JRR Tolkien. These novels,
including this one, take place in the fictional world called Middle

The book starts as Frodo, a hobbit in the Shire, prepares for his uncle
Bilbo's eleventy first birthday party, which is to be a spectacular
event. However, Bilbo has something else in mind, and during his
birthday speech, he puts on a mysterious Ring and disappears. The
crowd is shocked, but Frodo suspects that his uncle has just gone
through with his desire to go on an adventure.

Frodo goes home to find his uncle gone, but his wizard friend Gandalf
is there. Gandalf gives Frodo charge of this mysterious ring, and
tells him to keep it secret and safe. Frodo is not sure what
power this ring has, but figures it must have some. Gandalf
investigates, and finds out that this ring is the one ring of power,
created long ago by Sauron, the greatest evil middle earth has
seen. Gandalf sends Frodo out on a mission, to meet him in the
next town over, eventually to go to the Elven land of Rivendell.

Frodo sets off, with his trusted friend Sam, and two other hobbits
named Merry and Pippen. Gandalf does not show up at his appointed
time, and the group meets a stranger named Strider. Strider tells
them that they are in more danger than they realize, and they find out
that a group of undead dark riders is after the ring.

They hide out on their journey, but meet up with the dark riders on
Weathertop, and Frodo is stabbed by the Nazgul king, and is in danger
of dying. Strider's elven friend, Arwen, rides Frodo to Rivendell
as fast as she can, and he is treated and healed by the elves. A
council meets to decide what must be done with the ring, and it is
decided that it must be destroyed. The group tries to figure out
who will take it, and Frodo volunteers. Strider, Merry, Pippen,
Sam, a dwarf named Gimli, an elf named Legolas, Gandalf, and a man
named Boromir join Frodo, and they set off on their journey.

They set off on the journey towards Mt. Doom. They journey
through snow, and go through a mountain where they meet with great
peril. Eventually, taking down a giant beast, we see Gandalf fall
to his death. The fellowship is shattered, but must go on.
Eventually, Boromir attemps to take the ring from Frodo, and Frodo and
Sam set off on their own, fearing the others may try to take it as
well. Boromir dies attempting to save Merry and Pippen from being
kidnapped, and that is the end of this book.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring

- The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring

- The Lord Of The Rings Part One The Fellowship Of The Rings

- The Lord Of The Rings Part One The Fellowship Of The Rings

- The Lord Of The Rings Part One: The Fellowship Of The Ring

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