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Between A Monday Morning And A Saturday Evening
(Sunil Noronha)

He got up that Sunday morning with hope that the place that he was going to would be unlike the places that he had tried before.
There was something that he wanted to know which some people said he would find there but they themselves didn?t seem too excited about it all.
All through his life he had known some people who went there regularly but it never came across his mind that this place would be what he was looking for
Because they came here every week and it never seemed to help them with what life offered during the rest of the week.
Since he didn?t have anything to lose
he decided to go anyway.
Hoping to find what he wanted

He didn?t want a religion, no, he didn?t want a set of rules
He just wanted to know something that would give him even the slightest clue
to what life was supposed to be about because he couldn?t make sense of it anymore.
If there was something after the end that made it worth its while.

He walked into the building a little early because he had never been there before, incase there was something he should know and he sat in the last row of benches.
They sang about stuff that he had come here to find but the music they sang it to seemed like they themselves hadn?t found it.
Because they were singing about something that they were passionate about but the music that they sang it to wouldn?t make him want to scream and shout it out.
The speaker spoke about love manifested on a wooden, love that united God and so that man didn?t have to look down to God anymore.
Those who came there regularly
only smiled and greeted
the people whom they knew

Before he could decide to talk to the speaker, he noticed someone who he knew
Someone who he knew who came to this place regularly
He knew him well enough to know that he didn?t have what he wanted
So, he decided to walk away.
Because he came here every week and it never seemed to help him with what life offered between a Monday morning and a Saturday evening
He either ended up getting frustrated, giving in as much, handling it in the way he would or just staying away from it all
Surrounded by a world
Created by what he believed
But that?s not what his life?s about

He didn?t want a religion, no, he didn?t want a set of rules
He just wanted to know something that would give him even the slightest clue
to what life was supposed to be about because he couldn?t make sense of it anymore.
If there was something after the end that made it worth its while.

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