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The Stand
(Stephen King)

The Stand
By Stephen King

This story begins with the wiping out of civilization by a man created virus. With that said, one can understand what a difficult story this must have been to write, with so many variables coming into play. The first and most important variable of the story is that of the survivors. While there aren?t many (about 99% of the world dies) there are a few ? who begin to divide into two camps. There are those who are essentially good (or good enough), and those that are evil, or at least attracted to such for various reasons. Thus begins the story of good and evil in a world devoid of humans and technology as we know it today.
Mother Abigail, an old African American matriarch figure serves as the symbol of good in this story, whereas Randall Flagg, a mean biker son-of-a-gun serves as the quintessential devil on earth. Survivors in America flock to one of the two depending upon whether they have visions of one or the other in their dreams.
The essentials of the story are civilization building, good against evil in stunningly rare form, and a fight for survival. Most of the book involves various characters traveling to their chosen destination ? Colorado for Mother Abigail and good, Las Vegas for Randall Flagg and bad. Imagine traveling through a world without the aid of modern technology, where death is literally among you, where corpses are decaying, where your family exists no more. It is during this travel that the characters? lives are explored, and they are very much humanized - to King?s credit. The story builds up to this ultimate conflict between the two forces, and the road to the conflict is too much for the faint of heart. Not to be confused with pure horror, The Stand is more epic than that, and is certainly one for the ages.

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