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(The Bible)

Genesis, the first book in the Christian Bible and the
Jewish Torah, is a collection of stories about the beginning of the
world. It has a common theme of how men continue to turn away from God
and God continues to have mercy on a few even in His wrath. Commonly
believed to have been written by Moses at the direction of God Himself, the
book is a window into the human condition and why we are the way we are.

Genesis contains a number of stories, some of the most famous are the creation
of the world, Adam and Eve, the fall of man, Cain and Abel, and the
flood. It describes how God is always in control of event even when man
thinks that he is the one taking control of his life. From the seven day
creation of Earth and everything in it to the flooding of the same Earth,
destroying all wicked life and saving only Noah's family and animals in the
ark, we can see how God wants us to live in harmony with Him, yet man
constantly turns away and sins, wanting to do his own things and not heeding
the very God who made him in the first place.

While some have disputed the exactness of Genesis, posing such questions as
where Cain's wife came from and how could all of creation be made in just seven
literal 24 hour days, the fact remains that even if you do not believe that the
stories are literally true, you can be sure that the morals behind them make
sense. After all, most people agree that people want to do their own
thing and, if left to their own devices, tend to sin and destroy
themselves. So even if you do not believe in a literal fruit that Adam
ate, you may still want to read this book if only for the concepts behind the
stories. And if you do believe that the book is the word of God, it
demonstrates wonderfully the sovereignty of Him, and how no matter what humans
do to mess this world up, God is still in control, and eventually we'll have to
answer to Him.

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- Genesis- First Book Of The Bible

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- Genesis

- Genesis

- Genesis

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