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New Episodes
(Kymo Dockett)

There is a reality show that has been airing across this country for some time now. It is probably the most watched show this generation has ever seen. This particular program has more viewers than American Idol, CSI and Law & Order put together. People like Jay Z, 50 Cent and Lil? Kim are regulars on this particular program. I have to admit, there have been times when I wanted to see this particular show canceled because it has too much sex, violence and cussing, yet I keep watching hoping things will change. What show am I talking about?

The strange thing about this particular show is that it really doesn?t have a name and there are numerous stations it comes on at various times. I know you have seen this particular program before. There is a chance you just didn?t know what you were watching. But just in case you have been living under a rock for the last decade or so here is the story line. Each episode God is attempting to get the hip-hop community to submit to Him as they become more immoral. Meanwhile, God and hip-hop battle for the allegiance of young people across the country.

Does this show sound familiar? In the current episode, hip-hop is trying to cut God totally out of the picture and take over the show completely. Things are getting so bad that even Christians are starting to support hip-hop. It is mind-boggling that this show has been so successful despite their negative views toward God. He was once the star of the show and now the producers want to make God an extra.

You know how it is in Hollywood; extras are seen and not heard. For instance, there are many hip-hoppers who want to reduce God to that cat hip-hop mentions after they win a Grammy or pray to as they sit in the hospital after a near fatal car accident. Hip-hop doesn?t mind mentioning God; it is living for Him that is their biggest problem. Did you see the season finale when hip-hop told God to go to Hell? Yet God still reached out to hip-hop like a long lost child whom He loves very dearly. It has been amazing to watch how God continues to love the hip-hop community despite how they have deserted Him.

Right now the show is just showing repeats. I saw a show the other day on MTV, and I had to turn it off because it got so disgusting. Of course, MTV is not the only network that has this program. You can turn on the radio and hear it there, too. Each time I catch this program it seems like God is losing? You are probably asking yourself, ?Can?t God simply crush hip-hop if He wants?? The producers don?t want that to happen because then the show would be over. What would people watch then? But cheer up if you are one of those viewers who are cheering for God because change is on the way.

Can I give you a sneak preview of the new season of episodes? I can?t totally let the ?cat? out of the bag just yet, but I can share with you a couple of details. The word is that the producers have been developing a new star. For years they have been waiting to give the particular character a bigger role on the show, but he has not been ready to perform like a superstar. In the past this character has played a couple minor roles on the show but never a lead role like hip-hop. From what I hear this new star is going to be God?s primary weapon/sidekick to help Him against the forces behind hip-hop. Let me tell you, hip-hop has a real fight on its hands. God is about to come back like nothing the viewers have ever seen.

Have you ever watched a show and just when you got tired of watching the producers placed something new in the mix to keep you tuning in? Trust me, if you?ve been watching this particular show as long as I have, things are about to get mighty interesting. I even heard there will be a surprise ending. If I were you, I would grab a box of popcorn and a drink and be prepared to experience one of the greatest seasons you?ve ever seen. There?s going to be one powerful episode after another.

I?m not going to give away the endding, but I will give you a small hint. God becomes the star of the show again in the final episode. So tune in next time to find out: Who is God?s new sidekick? Can God regain His influence over this generation? Will hip-hop ever submit to God? How is God going to take down secular hip-hop? These and other questions will be answered in the new season. I hope you?ll be watching. There promises to be a lot of action.

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