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(The Bible)


Psalms, written between 1450 and 590BC are songs or poems. King David, King Solomon and Moses also wrote some of them. Most of these psalms, in the olden days, were sung like hymns.
The people sang them to express praise, worship and also their confessions to God. The book of Psalms is the easiest book to find because it?s in the middle of the Bible.
Some people call the psalms, ?The book of praises?, some say it?s the, ?Hymn book of Solomon?s temple?.
The people, who wrote the psalms, wrote about their innermost feelings. The real life thoughts of people who gave thanks and praises in songs and dances to God. Those who were in need of God?s forgiveness wrote psalms full of pain, agony of a troubled life. Pleading for God to answer him, he calms down after all his lamentations is over, knowing he can trust God to guide him on. King David also wrote about his repentance, grieving over his sins and begging God for forgiveness.

People wrote about their relationship between God, about God?s Holiness and worship, also Praises for a good life and family.
Reading the psalms in times of sorrow and trouble often brings peace of mind .The psalms are also like prayers to be said in times of need... Even in happy times it is good to read the happy psalms, this is like giving thanks and praises for God?s shower of love.
The book of psalms, 150 of them is a book written by people for the people and their nation in times of hardship, sorrow, trouble, agony and a longing for justice.
In happy times, dancing and singing psalms of joy and thanks giving.
The most loved and remembered psalm 23, The Lord is my Shepherd, is a good prayer for all occasions. Jesus often referred to it in his teachings.

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