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Gateway To Atlantis
(Andrew Collins)

Gateway to Atlantis
This book is one of an infinite number of books written on the subject of the mythical lost continent of Atlantis. However, instead of duplicating and rehashing dated theories, Andrew Collins offers his own insight and perspective of this great enigma which has mystified countless searchers and seekers over the decades.
Visiting many wondrous sites and locations in the Caribbean, the Western Atlantic and Mesoamerica, he makes some interesting discoveries and conclusions. In particular, he honed in on Bimini Road, off the Bahamas, and goes further in his propositions than many previous explorers or investigators of this area have done. Other notable sites he visits are, a number of hidden Caves off Cuba and his extensive surveying and mapping of Cuba is most impressive. Herein, he proposes quite convincingly that the topography and terrain of Cuba and the island of Hispaniola do seem to conform to Plato?s descriptions of the mythical continent.
His field work and extensive groundwork of Mesoamerica is powerful: on the coast of Belize, Collins found fishermen who did a type of Purpura Shell fishing, i.e. extracting a dye from sea shells, which is identical to a Phoenician activity. Thus, it would seem this was acquired from the ancient seafaring Phoenicians. The conclusions herein are obvious and profound. When he examines the carvings of some of the Toltec Emperors (who preceded the Aztecs of Mexico), he sees strong similarities in their physiognomy to African features; again the conclusions are obvious: that there had been some great trade done on both sides of the Atlantic, one of which was an empire who colonised the other.
In all of these findings and conclusions, the book has high quality photographs, which impel the narrative and theme to a higher plateau. As an aside, purely as travel photographs, they are a powerful and great allurement for any passionate traveller or mystery seeker or searcher of lost worlds and civilisations. Of the litany of books published - as on a conveyor belt - on Atlantis, this book stands out as above the rest. Collins entertainingly charts his travel to this part of the Western world - at times it is like a travelogue or travel book and clearly demonstrates major connections on both sides of the Atlantic from America/Caribbean to Africa, and concludes that one was clearly colonised by a great empire from the other side. Present day Cuba and Hispaniola remnants of lost Atlantis? A plausible thought and a riveting read. And perhaps the title is most apt: go through the Gateway to Atlantis, and you will at least enter a new realm where this mythical continent becomes more visible to the naked eye??

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