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Measure For Measure
(William Shakespeare)

The Duke of Vienna, Vincentio, is worried about the
immorality in his kingdom. He resolves to reintroduce the
ancient law of executing any person caught in having sex
outside of marriage. However, he decides to go away and
leave his just and pious advisor, Angelo, to the unpleasant
task of carrying out the decree. The Duke pretends to leave
for a monastery while secretly resolving to stay in hiding
and see how Angelo conducts himself in his absence.

After he leaves the kingdom, the first act Angelo makes as
ruler is to arrest Claudio, who has gotten his fiancé
pregnant, and condemn him to death. Claudio?s sister,
Isabella, who has entered a convent and is about to take
her vows, is sent for to come and plead for her brother?s
cause. Isabella comes before Angelo and begs the life of
Claudio. She reasons that Claudio is going to marry his
fiancé, so what harm can their affairs have on the state?
Angelo, always so just, now is tempted by the novice
Isabella. Her goodness brings out the evil in the man, and
he tells her that he will free Claudio if Isabella will
sleep with him.

Shocked and appalled, Isabella refuses, and goes to tell
her brother of Angelo?s treachery. Claudio tries to
convince his sister to do anything to save him from death,
but she tells him that by doing so he is condemning her to
hell. The Duke, overhearing their argument, arrives in
disguise and persuades Isabella that he can help her and
her brother.

Apparently, Angelo was not always as just as he is now, and
he abandoned the virtuous Marianne, his former mistress.
Isabella pretends to acquiesce to Angelo?s wishes, but
secretly it is Marianne who meets him at the rendezvous and
the Duke returns in triumph to force Angelo to marry
Marianne, free Claudio to marry his fiancé, and demand that
Isabella marry himself.

Measure for Measure is known as one of the problem plays of
Shakespeare. With many dubious characters in the comedy,
and a not so satisfactory ending, Measure for Measure is a
complex display of humanity.

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