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All For Love
(John Dryden)

A Restoration response to Shakespeare?s ?Antony and
Cleopatra,? John Dryden?s sentimental tragedy begins with
Cleopatra?s retreat after the battle which cost Antony to
lose the battle of Actium. Antony is accused by his general
Ventidus for throwing away his empire for love and Antony
decides to leave Cleopatra. However, after Cleopatra gets
Antony back into her site, she convinces him of her love by
showing how she refused an offer of peace from Octavius and
has remained true to Antony throughout adversity. Antony
declares his love for Cleopatra and returns to battle
against the Roman Caesar. However, after winning a battle,
his wife, Octavia attempts to sway Antony towards his own
reconciliation with Octavius but he stays resolute in his

Octavius meets Cleopatra to convince her to make peace for
Antony. He attacks her at her most vulnerable by declaring
that she has ruined Antony and destroyed both his life and
career through their relationship. Antony discovers their
meeting and is jealous of Cleopatra?s relationship with his
friend Dollabella and renounces them both. However, he
hears that Cleopatra has committed suicide and in a fit of
despair falls on his sword. At this moment, Cleopatra comes
upon him and with his last breath they declare their
everlasting love. Not long after Antony has expired,
Cleopatra joins him by being killed by an asp and thus robs
Octavius of his victory.

Dryden?s play lacks the passion of Shakespeare and is much
more decorous and restrained by the age of enlightenment.
Written at a time more known for its comedies than its
tragedies, All For Love, though extremely popular at the
time, remains less engaging a piece of theatre than
Congreve?s satirical response to it.

Resumos Relacionados

- Antony And Cleopatra

- Antony And Cleopatra

- Cleopatra And His Love Antonio

- Antony And Cleopatra

- Antony And Cleopatra

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