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A Raisin In The Sun
(Lorraine Hansberry)

The play?s setting is in Chicago?s Southside, which took place in the 1950s. There were many conflicts between the characters (person vs. person). The author also has a purpose for writing the book. There were many morals too. How about our opinions? Are you going to read the play? Will I dislike the book? (You?ll see).
There were characters and some had their own personal conflicts. Walter was very frustrated because no one listened to him. For example, his sister Beneatha, who was a very grouchy person, never listened to Walter?s advice to not go to college. Ruth, who was married to Walter, was pregnant, but she wanted to have an abortion because they couldn?t afford it. Mama told Walter to be a man and tell Ruth not to have an abortion (he would live up to his father?s legacy). Instead, he ran away. There were other minor characters such as Travis, the couple?s son. Mr. Lindner gave money to the Youngers, who were African- American, to not to move into their new house, which was in a white neighborhood.
I really liked the book. It shows people?s dreams and showed me a world in which I never thought of thinking about. I usually just ignore things like that, but I was really interested in this play because it?s about people?s dreams and how they lived them.
There were many morals in the books. Hold on to your dreams or they will be crushed (in reference to the poem by Langston Hughes, which showed in the beginning of the book). Give yourself time to grow and mature (like Mama?s plant, which was a symbol of growth and maturity). Don?t be racist. You must learn responsibility. Shall you read the play? Yes. Why? Well, this play is a classic and the talented author will definitely capture your heart and mind. This book is so realistic with all the believable characters, setting, and conversation.

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