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Princess Nevermore
(Dian Curtis Regan)

This book starts underground in a fantasy kingdom where magic still exists. The main characters is Princess Quinnella who yearns for a chance to go above ground to the world that we live in, Earth. Her mentor a kind wizard has always forbidden it however as a dangerous journey.

However the powerful wizards apprentice helps her and she ends up in our world, in an amusement park where she meets an old man and his two grandchildren. They agree to help her during her stay in their world above, it seems the old man knows something of the world below. Quin is excited but worried as she is unsure how to return to her own world, but is sure that eventually she will find her way.

The book spends some time explaining how Quinn gets used to living in a world of science with no magic, and also deals with both home sickness and living not as a princess.Quinn even follows the other two children off to school and has several adventures along the way. She even meets a troublesome bully who wants her to go to the prom with him.

Eventually she is saved from such troubles and even starts to fall in love with the younger boy that she is staying with. However the older man soon explains that he himself is from the world below and that the love between his young charge and her would not be wise. For the people of the world below grow older much slower than us in Earth, she would live to see the boy she love grow old and die before her eyes.

So realising this Princess Quin tries to return to her world through the pool that brough her to Earth, at first she is desperate when the pool's magic will not send her back, especially when the school bully appears again to harass her. Finally however a ring that she has carried with her all along, proves it's worth and the ring's magic sends her back to her world below.

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