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Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl
(Harriet A. Jacobs)

Although elements of this story are hard to believe because they are so horrible, this is indeed a true account of a very brave woman?s life. This memoir places the reader on the plantation and reveals ugly details that are often skipped during run of the mill history lessons. Harriet A Jacobs, the author, writes about her experiences as they range from a young, imprisoned slave child to a fugitive in hiding, and then to a free woman working to support her free children. She gives insight into an older time when humans are sold, beaten, humiliated and abused in ways unimaginable. She describes the feelings and events that accompany slavery, the separation of children from their parents, the rape of black female slaves by their masters, the maltreatment slave children, as well as many other atrocities that she witnessed first hand.

Throughout her memoirs, readers will become familiar with Jacob?s tyrannous master, Dr. Flint, a hateful man who treated slaves as animals all the while pursuing Jacobs for decades following her escape. She describes her years spent in hiding, her attempts and later success in freeing her children, and the ties she maintained among family members and friends that allowed her to escape. She also reveals challenges associated with her tendencies to get angry and fight back against white men during a period in which black women were expected to be subservient. Her vigor, rebellious spirit, and loud mouth episodes get her into trouble many times throughout her life, but eventually land her success in achieving freedom.

The version edited by Maria Child also includes letters that Jacob?s wrote to Dr. Flint and family members while in hiding, an account written by John Jacobs, her brother, as well as photocopies of award advertisements for her capture and many other documents that will confirm her horrendous experiences in slavery.

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