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The Changing Image Of Extreme Sports
(Daniel Otero)

Daniel Otero
July 28th, 2005
Bayamón, Puerto Rico
Contact telephone numbers: (787) 236-9205 or (787) 374-9980
Article inspired on Parachutist magazine

The Changing Image of Extreme Sports
Can sports such as skydiving change there image? I should say can it evolve from a Sport that has been stereotyped by so many negative images that every time somebody says, ?I?m a skydiver!? People look at the person as if they were a nut. Part of the vision established has been due to our own fault-irresponsibility amongst are ranks-or Hollywood?s roles that have portrayed skydivers over the past 50 years as antisocial lunatics with a ?death wish? in mind. This myth is the furthest from the truth. Most skydivers are safety oriented adrenaline junkies that have past their 30s, middle class income and they are emotionally stable professionals with great careers. It?s a proven fact that most people die crossing the street or driving a car than jumping out of a perfectly good airplane with parachute in tow. Others-a grand majority-will die of accidental deaths in their own home.
Very few jumpers will die from malfunctions. More will perish-and that is usually the professional skydiver-because of reckless acts. What make this extreme sport so great are the safety concerns. All parachutes have a reserve that is inspected every 120 days-in other words, over 2,500 feet there are two opportunities to save one?s life. The other chance is an AAD that will deploy
The Changing Image?

automatically at 1,000 feet. This is another safety guard that protects us and safeguards the Sport.
An image can be transformed little by little, by its own members and Instructors. The people are the example and teachers that develop the ?Drop Zones? into something better for our wellbeing and conditions. Well imparted teaching can guarantee greater conditions for jumpers. Things that are well taught will attract more people-non-skydiver that is-to the Sport, creating a positive environment and an economical growth for local tourism and the ?DZ?. These impacts help the tarnish reputation of Skydiving and skydivers.

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