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Gone With The Wind
(Margaret Mitchell)

with the Wind can surely be hailed as one of the greatest American epics.
Sweeping across the entire Civil War era, this novel manages not only to
capture this landmark period of American history in all of its glory and
tragedy, but also breathes life into some of the greatest literary characters
that have ever been created.

The story
is centered around Scarlett O?Hara, the headstrong, selfish Southern belle that
has captured the hearts of all the eligible men in her entire county with her
thick black lashes, sparkling green eyes, eighteen inch waist and outrageous
flattery that rolls off her tongue like honey. Thoroughly sheltered in her big
white house and her every whim catered for by her bossy mammy, the only thing
lacking in Scarlett?s life is the unattainable Ashley Wilkes, her heart?s
desire. After Ashley marries, Scarlett also enters into a loveless wedlock just
as the Civil War is sparked off, burning away the bliss of the life that she
once knew.

sheer determination and force of will is the only thing that keeps her from
falling into the abyss of destruction. With her mother dead and his father
losing his sanity, Scarlett takes on the duties of the entire household after
the war ravages the entire land, farming cotton to scrape together what little
she can to feed the household.

facing eviction, Scarlett desperately turns to the only person still
left with
any fortune ? the dashing, swarthy, blockader Rhett Butler, a
scoundrel who had lost his heart to Scarlett when he realized their
spirits. They end up marrying, and for a brief period, Scarlett is
happy gilding
her new life with as many gaudy possessions and show of material wealth
as she
can, trying to erase the hunger and poverty that the war had brought.
not even having a child could fill the hole left in her heart by Ashley
and Scarlett makes the lives of all those around her miserable as a
result of this unfulfilled childhood dream that she never grew out

After a series of tragedies, Rhett Finally gives
up hope, his heart sapped of every once of love that he once felt.
Weary and bitter, he takes his leave, responding with a famous "Frankly
my dear, I don't give a damn" to Scarlett's frenzied attempts at trying
to make him stay, for she realized too late that he was the man that
she truly loved.

Filled with action, romance, heartbreak and
tragedy, this masterpiece shines as one of the greatest historical
fictions ever written.

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- Gone With The Wind

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