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Things Fall Apart
(Chinua Achebe)

The novel takes place in a small village in Africa, Umofia and is primarly foccused on a man named Okonkwo. Okonkwo is known around the village as being very strong and mighty. Throughout his younger years he wrestled other boys and always won. He had a very good reputation and elders believed that he would be able to wed many wives. Like many other cultures the problems that your elder kin have not taken care of somewhat reflect your status. Okonkwo's father was in debt and was known around the village as not being able to pay back his debts, this was not something very respectable. The idea that his father was not very respected motivated him to become more respected and noble in his society. As well his fathers downfall caused him to want to obey his culture more, and mold his family into people who would obey this culture indefinitely.
This extreme motivation to become a person much greater than his father seemed to in the future cost him alot of important things. Okonkwo was able to have several wives and many children and his strength and power seemed to be pushed on them. Missionaries began to come into the village and Okonkwo was not pleased with the changes and ideas that they were enacting. Okonkwo's son was greatly influenced by the missionaries and would often go to the church services that they held. Okonkwo was so full of rage he set fire to one of the church huts and disowned his own son. He felt betrayed because his son was no longer following him and the way he wanted his family to behave. Another important event that occured was when Okonkwo beat his wives during holy week. Holy week was a sacred time when all the Umofians no longer fought and argued, and ofcourse husbands did not beat their wives. Okonkwo did not follow the rules of Holy week and this was something that was not accepted in the village.
The final chapters seem to allude to the title of the novel and Okonkwo is so enrage that he commits the ultimate act in defiance of the missionaries and thier way of life. As well his behaviors throughout the ending chapters of the book are a reflection of his defiance of the missionaries and their beliefs.The missionaries brought alot of their European beliefs and Okonkwo was not pleased with their way of life. It angered him even further that the village he wa raised in would no longer be the same. Okonkwo's need to become so respected lead to his downfall and his families unhappiness. Achebe displays how the selfishness and stubborness of a man so attached to culture can lead to things falling apart.

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- Things Fall Apart

- Things Fall Apart

- Things Fall Apart

- Things Fall Apart

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