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Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
(Roald Dahl)

Hi there, I just wanted to talk about Charlie and the chocolate factory by Roald Dahl, I feel it is the best childrens book out there and Roald Dahl is the best author. When I was a child I read this book over and over and when I can I still read it today. Its a book for all ages. I also watched the movie version, but I feel the book is best. You get more of the feeling of characters when you read the book. It is wonderful and I can't say anything bad about it.  On a scale of one to ten I would rate this as a ten being the best. I also think the rest of Roald Dahl books are pretty good too, but I feel this one was his best work it explains what it was like living back in the old days and how everyone had to work including the mother who usually stayed at home with the kids. They worked their as** off  to make ends meat, and  all Charlie  wanted was to get a golden ticket, but money was very scarce. When he was disappointed the first few times, he said oh well I didn't really want to go any way but you could tell he was disappointed. He just washed it off,  and any money he found he would buy a chocolate bar just to see, and his grandpa who really wanted the boy to go would buy chocolate bars when he got extra money as well. This is why the family recieved the chocolate factory and the ump lumpers in the end.  Charlie doesn't take anything for granted. Everything he gets he appreciates unlike some in the book the other children were spoilt brats who always got what they wanted everytime,because their parents had money.  That is not the way to bring up children, don't give them everything. Let them learn what the value of a dollar is, let them make mistakes, let them fall down and scrape their knee, its all apart of growing up. The families I live amongst don't do this, the North American society is spoilt, the children are given everything and not disciplined at all you can't even spank your child anymore. Its against the law which is pathetic A child needs to be disciplined. I'm not saying hitting for the sake of hitting them, but they need to be disciplined they need to know what is good behaviour and what is bad behaviour. Any way if you like a good bedtime book then I recommend this and let your children read it. They will learn what it takes about life.

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- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

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