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Aesop's Fables

Aesop, the famous slave of Iadmon of Samos, was the author
of a number of amusing stories, often featuring animals with personalities like
humans to make his point, and always with a stated moral.  These are known
collectively as Aesop's Fables and have come to include a large
number of anecdotes and sayings.  These wise sayings have been passed down
through generations, cultures and continents to arrive in book form available
to us today.

Why have these survived this long?  One reason is the amazing applicableness
of his morals to modern day life.  Everyone has heard of sour
grapes -- to find out how the term was invented read the tale of the fox
and his literal grapes.  Or think of the Ant and the Grasshopper the next
time you are considering being lazy all summer and leaving the work to
others.  The Boy Who Cried Wolf is a classic tale of what happens when you
are known to be a liar, and the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing warns us all of
treachery in disguise.  Even sound financial wisdom can come from the
Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs.

The fables are arranged in no particular order in most books, probably because
Aesop told them as he came to applicable situations in his own or other's
lives.  There are even some who say that Aesop didn't write them down
himself, (which, as he started out as a slave, makes sense) but that someone
lesser known preserved them for the future.  Either way the stories are
wonderful to read as a whole or individually as the need arises.

Aesop's Fables are something timeless and worth preserving for even more
generations to come.  Every child should know these truths of life, and
every parent should be able to apply them to the child's own existence. 
Even if you don't fit in either category, reading this will inspire you and make
you reexamine your own life and character in light of the wisdom of the ancient

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