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Little Women
(Louisa May Alcott )

The story of Little Women is a classic tale of inspiration to those who have faced bad times and strived to do better.  Each woman in this book strived to make a life for herself without leaving her loved ones behind.  The four main characters in this book are Joe, Amy, Meg, and Beth.
     Joe was by far the most passionate.  She never harbored the usual fantasies of a little girl of getting married and finding her prince, and struggled to make herself more feminine.  She focused her life on her writings and becoming someone that people could respect, which eventually happens when her writings get published.
    Amy on the other hand wanted the life of a princess with her knight in shining armor.  She revolved her world around being loved and trying to get others of the opposite sex to love her.  She eventually understands that being humble is the greatest attribute of all.
    Meg who is the oldest is engrossed in becoming a beautiful, successful woman.  She tries in vain to enjoy her home life and worry less about the socialties of the world.  She later comes to realize that her home is where her heart is.
    Beth is the shyest of them all.  She fears other people and would rather stay at home helping attend to the house.  Everyone sees her as being without fault.  She is even tempered, kind, and ever helping.  Deep inside she dreams of being able to help others without fear.  Helping others eventually leads to her death.  She contracts Scarlet Fever by helping a poor householdwith their baby.
    Overall this book shows how peeople are different but still loving in their own way, how many pieces can make a whole family, and most importantly when faced with the hard times of life, to keep your chin up and do exactly that-face them.

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