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(The Bible)

The book of proverbs is a collection of wise sayings, written by
Solomon, probably to his son, and is part of the larger work known as
the Bible.  The entire book is composed of short witty sayings,
meant to guide the reader on his journey through life. 

The author of this book is Solomon, the king who was known for his
wisdom which he requested from God as a young child.  His wisdom
was known throughout the land at that time, and this book is the
collection of his wisdom.  Many of the sayings in the book are
still applicable today, offering a witty way to say some of the same
things many of our great thinkers have said down through the ages.

Sometimes the content of some of the phrases seem to contradict each
other, thus causing the reader to stop and think over what he has just
read.  With many of the contradictions, I am not really sure how
to reconcile them, but I am sure that the author had a purpose for such
seeming contradictions. 

One of the themes throughout the book is the fool versus the wise
man.  Both of these traits are portrayed in many different ways,
often personified or illustrated through various animals, such things
that people can easily relate to their every day lives, thus making the
impact of the proverb much greater. 

The thirty-first chapter of the book is often heralded as the ideal for
a woman.  The chapter lists the virtues of a virtuous woman, and
tells what sort of things that such a woman should do for her home and
family.  Among Bible believing people, this chapter is often
taught in women's Sunday school classes, as well as preached to men as
to what to look for in a women when they marry someday.  Many of
the virtues found here are still things that men look for in women, but
many others would be largely discounted by feminists and any people of
the equal rights for women movements.

Resumos Relacionados

- Proverbs

- Ecclesiastes

- Ecclesiastes

- Ecclesiastes

- Captivating

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