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(The Bible)

Psalms is a collection of songs and poetry that make up a book of the
larger work known as the Bible.  Psalms was basically the hymnal
of the old testament Israelites.  All of the works are poetic in
nature, thus giving OT Hebrew students a challenge in

There are several different types of psalms in the collection. 
One type is psalms of lament.  These psalms show the poet's agony
over various things.  The writer was often bombarded with troubles
in his life, such as friends leaving or betraying him, and enemies
trying to kill him.  In these psalms, the author pours out his
heart, holding nothing back, and tells how horrible he feels.  He
often mentions that he feels like God is not listening to him, and will
not answer him.  The psalmist uses descriptive beautiful poetry to
tell how horrible he feels.  These psalms always turn to hope by
the end of the psalm, however, as the psalmist realizes that God is in
control and he can trust Him. 

Another type of Psalm found is this book is the praise psalm. 
These psalms give glory and praise to God for various things, including
the history of the nation of Israel, personal triumphs, and just for
how good God is.  These psalms often mention singing and dancing
involved in praising God, illustrating that God is not always desiring
of solemn worship. 

Another kind of psalm found in this collection is that of
repentance.  Many believe that the author of these psalms is
David, and that he is grieving over his sin of adultry and murder
involving Bathsheeba and her husband.  In these psalms, the author
pours out his heart to God, mourning his sin and begging for
forgiveness.  He realizes that his sin has consequences, and he is
suffereing those, but he desires ultimate forgiveness from God.

Altogether, the psalms are a beautiful collection of the handiwork of
an author or authors, and their expression of feelings towards and
about the God that they worshipped.  There are also various psalms
included for various Hebrew rituals, such as the psalms of ascent, that
would be sung during special times of the year.  This book is a
wonderful tribute to the innate creativity of mankind.

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