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(The Bible)

Genesis is the first book in the collection of books known as the
Bible.  Genesis starts with the creation of the world by God in 7
days.  God speaks, and the world appears from nothing.  On
the sixth day, man is created, and woman is made from a bone in man's
side to cure man's loneliness.  God instructs Adam and Eve in how
to live, but tells them not to eat from a certain tree.  Satan,
disguised as a snake, tempts Eve to eat from that tree, telling her she
will be like God, and she believes him and eats.  She then gives
to Adam and he eats as well.  God sends them both out of the
garden forever, and sin has now entered the world. 

The first murder occurs with the sons of Adam and Eve, known as Cain
and Abel.  Cain becomes jealous of his brother, as his brother is
favored by God for obeying Him, and Cain kills his brother. 
However, God finds out, and banishes Cain to wander the earth searching
for his own food. 

Soon sin in the world gets too great, and God decides to destroy the
earth, save for 2 of every animal, and a man named Noah and his
family.  Noah builds a giant boat, gets all the animals inside,
and then waits for the water, which kills every other living thing on
the planet. After it has rained for 40 days, and the waters have gone
down, Noah gets out of the ark and God promises, with a rainbow, to not
destroy the earth that way again.

Next we begin to see how the Jews were formed as a nation.  This
story begins with Abraham, who leaves his home town in obedience to
God, and has a child when he and his wife are very old.  This
child is Isaac, who in turn has Jacob, who has Joseph.  Joseph was
sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, and ends up in Egypt, where,
through his honesty and ability to interpret dreams, becomes a high
ranking official and saves the land from famine.  He has his
family brought to him, and the live and die in Egypt. 

That is the end of the book, and it ushers in the second book, known as Exodus.

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- Genesis

- Genesis

- Genesis

- Genesis

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