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The Clan Of The Cave Bear
(Jean M. Auel)

Imagine that in an earthquake, you are forever separated from everything you know - mother, father, your species even.  Little Ayla, lost to all is found by Neanderthals that are searching for a new cave to live in.  The only thing that separates Ayla from them is the fact that Ayla is an intelligent Cro-Magnon. 

She is better than them in almost every way: she hunts better, fishes better, even speaks better.  She is raised by a Neanderthal woman  which brings many trials and tribulations for both types.  Her being better even causes one of the clan members to become jealous which leads to her being abused.

The touching aspect of the novel is that even though they are different and can't even communicate - they are still both human, after all, and need each other.  Ayla finds both comfort and love in her adopted family.  However, despite the comfort and the love she receives, she grows into a woman and begins to realize just how different she really is.  Her difference is also noticed by many of the other clan members.  Some of the members even ignore her and talk behind her back. 

As Ayla grows, the tribal clan leader realizes that his type will be extinct in the near future and Ayla's type will dominate.  Ayla's type will be the new version of the species.  In response,many start feeling animosty towards her and she eventually has to flee the only clan that she has ever known in order to find her own kind. 

This novel will definitely transcend through time.  The main reason being that anyone can relate to Ayla's being different.

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- The Clan Of The Cave Bear

- The Clan Of The Cave Bear

- The Clan Of The Cave Bear

- The Clan Of The Cave Bear

- The Clan Of The Cave Bear

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