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Acid rain is one of the main consequences of the pollution of air. The oil or coal burnings liberate gaseous residues, as sulphur and nitrogen oxides. The reaction of these substances with the water, nitric and sulfuric acid form acid, gifts in acid rain precipitations.
The pollutants of air are loaded for the winds and travel thousand of kilometers; thus, acid rains can fall the great distances of the polluting sources, harming other countries. O solo se empobrece, a vegetação fica comprometida. A acidificação prejudica os organismos em rios e lagoas, comprometendo a pesca. Monumentos de mármore são corroído, aos poucos, pela chuva ácida.
The phenomenon of acid rain was discovered in Great-Britain, in the half of Century XIX, for the Argus scientist Smith. In that chance it used the expression acid rain to describe the acid precipitation that occurred on the city of Manchester, at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
Acid rain leads harmful the ecological consequences, and the particle presence of acid in air, probably also has effect right-handers on the health human being.
Damages for the man:
1. Health: Acid rain liberates toxic metals that were in the ground. These metals can reach rivers and be used for the man causing serious problems of health.
2. Building, houses, architectures: Acid rain also helps to corrode the used materials in the constructions as houses, buildings and architecture, being destroyed hidrelétricas dams, turbines etc.
Damages for the environment:
1. Lakes: The lakes can be most wronged with the effect of acid rain, therefore they can be total acidified losing all its life.
2. Deforestations: Acid rain makes bare places, killing two or three trees. A forest with many trees imagines using mutuamente, now two trees are reached by acid rain and die and thus they go going until forming a bare place. These reactions can destroy forests.
3. Agriculture: Acid rain almost affects the plantations of the same skill that of the forests, only that more is destroyed fast since the plants are of the same so great, thus having more reached areas.
As to prevent Acid Rain:
The reduction of acid rain must be carried through by governmental actions, through the implementation and/or creation of the pertinent legislation; investment in energy efficiency, as well as in cleaner alternative sources of energy generation.
The people also can contribute in the conservation of the energy, considering that the production of this is the responsible cause for the biggest acid deposition. As actions that can be taken by the people, she can yourself be cited:
- disconnection of light bulbs, computers and other devices, when not effectively they will be being used;
- use of devices that present energy efficiency better as refrigerators, heaters, machines to wash, conditional air, etc.;
- use of public transport or the solidary transport preferential to the individual transport;
- to walk or to use the bicycle, when possible;
- acquisition of vehicles that emit minors amounts of NOx and to keep always regulated well them;
- to remain itself always informed well.

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