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(Eliude Santana)

(Part 2) While televisions broadcast the images of Terion marrying the dictator’s daughter in the city called Forteza, inhabited bi Amnis, the people of God, who Therion has reduced to slavery since from this people the Saviour of mankind was born, Abdi, a man of forty, descendant of a family of Amnis, and his wife Batsy, commentate with dismay the incredible ascension of Therion to the power After a while, Abdi goes to the library an casually opens a book and reads some paragraphs in which a disastrous battle on Earth is described. Around midnight, Abdi, plunged in reading, is caught by a strange feeling, as if somebody at his shoulder were following him; suddenly, all becomes dark and immediately after, a blinding lightning illuminates the room floodlit. Batsy has disappeared and at the phone their daughter Taines tries desperately to advise her father that somebody has kidnapped her child; televisions broadcast scenes of panic, some mysterious disappearances are causing airplane accidents and everywhere in the world disasters happens. Something horrific and mysterious is happening… and if were it all work of wicked Apoliom, who is going to accomplish his evil scheme of definitely subduing human beings? Abdi, taken by discouragement, suddenly hears a voice calling him: behind him, a gigantic figure with a terrifying aspect, takes him away from planet Earth, as far as a place full of light, inhabited by strange beings, leading him to the presence of a men sitting on a trunk, surrounded by some elderly men. He has a big book in his hands. A man with a kind and good aspect approaches Abdi and announces him that he is in the presence of the Great Admiral and that the book is closed at the edges by seven Seals that, one by one, will be loosened and will consent the complete reading of the great testament of universal heritage. Announced by the blare of trumpets, the loosening of the first seal will determine de definite conquest of the power by Therion, who will make the persecution to Amnis, the elect people, even crueller. With the loosening of the second seal, a red knight goes towards the Earth with the task of causing a new world war and Abdi suddenly finds himself in a place where the collapse of economy has reduced the population to starvation, compelling them to swap anything for a piece of bread. Abdi’s companion says him that the third seal has already been opened and will cause exhaustion of victuals on Earth. One by one, the other seals are opened: wild beasts invade the towns and devours a quarter of population, and an infinite series of ecological disasters definitely upsets the planet, shrouded by a great darkness. In the meanwhile Abdi, miraculously survived the cataclysms, sets out among debris and corpses and assists to harrowing scenes: a woman, trying to save her little boy buried under the rubbles, takes him an arm off, the army faithful to Therion is disoriented and all people wait that the Earth, at any moment, will be disintegrated. In his big palace situated on the top of the mountain which dominates the city of Forteza, Therion watches on big screens the images of destructions everywhere on Earth and sends messages of help to great Apoliom, who stirs up a great multitude of hosheks, ready to face the coming on Earth of Gran Rei, son of the Great Admiral. (Next...)

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