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(Eliude Santana)

THE KNIGHT OF THE CLOUDS (Part I) ANTECEDENT FACT Year 2500: humanity struggles with chaos, evil spreads everywhere and even the course of seasons is completely deranged; science has made important steps and new innovations have revolutionized the life of human beings, but the world is in the hands of a dictator who owns a terrible weapon able to destroy the whole mankind in little less than a minute; ONU demonstrates by this time to be incapable to grant peace and numerous wars bathe in blood Africa and Middle East. One day, one of the scientists who work for the dictator makes a dreadful discovery: at the centre of the Earth, where he as succeeded in penetrating with his team on board of a special shuttle, there’s a big fire that emits shining sparks assuming the form of sniggering and sulphur-stinking devils. Suddenly, a thundering voice, which makes the shuttle tremble, announces that the giant fire is Apoliom, god of evil, and that the human wickedness is feeding its flame more and more, till when the Earth will be phagocytized and the human beings will perish, suffocated by sulphur. The shining sparks are hosheks, his faithful servants, that have the task to instigate man to evil. Unexpectedly, Apoliom emits a burst of flame that shrouds the shuttle and reduces it to a heap of cinders. The researches of the scientist will be vane, and nobody will ever know of the terrible monster that burns in the bowels of the Earth. And if Earth were really on the point to be completely destroyed? In the meanwhile, in a well-off family of a rich American city, a baby with white and rosy complexion has just born. His birth is accompanied by an inexplicable solar eclipse; the little boy will be named Therion and his mother is convinced that one day he will be a mighty man. In the middle of a night, a hoshek, sent by Apoliom, takes possession of Therion’s mind: the next day, while being breast-fed, the child hurts badly his mother’s nipple and after some days he destroys all his toys shouting like a madman. The mother, frightened, addresses to a religious who lives underground, since religion is already decayed and unpopular with the authorities; the man has no doubt: wile two thousand before, Christ had come on Earth to save mankind, now Therion has come to make evil triumph on Earth. Therion is 25; he is a fascinating boy, gifted with great intelligence and mysterious faculties. One night, in one of those pubs suspended on air, reachable by flying cars, he meets a girl and invites her for a drink; using his ability of reading the thoughts, he discovers that she is the dictator’s daughter, he seduces her and succeeds in making her invite him in his father’s house for a party to which all the masters of the Earth will take part. Taking advantage of the joyful atmosphere, Therion escapes the control of the guards, gets into the room where there’s the case with the computer that activates the devices of the super bomb, thanks to which the dictator exercise his control all over the world, and seizes it: now Therion’s path towards absolute power is unstoppable. (Next...)

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