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Heart Is A Precious Piece of Everyhuman, Gal Don't Use To Play Many Heart Just u broke Like Mine. Otherwise U Will also Get Heartbroken oneday. Its That Me Who 4ever 4give U and Still Love U Whatever Whathappen, Its That U Who Ever hurt Me and Still Hurt Me Whatever Whathappen. Don't Think It is Child Play, Don't Think It is Time Pass, That is Direct Concern With My Life. U will never know my feeling, u will never know my Love on u and finally u will never get A True Love.

Being A True Lover Most Needed is 1. Same Feelings on both of 2. 2. Have just only one bf or gf not 2 or 3...3. If one hurt other can feel that. Think about it gal its that all complete in u???...

this is a readed article only for you people.......to know more about mevisit http://www.maheshblog.blogspot.com & read the first article & click on google advertisement below my name on my site......

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