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Student Of Salamanca (el Estudiante De Salamanca)
(Jose De Espronceda)

We live in a world full of wars and destruction after the Second World War. This great War took the lives of lots of innocent people only in the name of man's yearning of power. Men who didn't see anything but fight,death and victory. Up to now it is still like that, nobody is satisfied with himself, they are only interested on boasting of what they do in order to show themselves in front of the public. You have to think it twice beforecoming up to this situation.We live in a world of fantasy, like an unknown world, like a never-ending dream; who doesn't want to have the best girl and the best car of all? I think it would be better if we all were simple and unsophisticated, if we helped the needy. It is true that power is the conquer of the human beingas it is also true that dictators used the masses to win people's trust. Butlove, sincerity and honesty are the really great and valuable things. Let's help our friends in need without looking at their condition, as Jesus Christ the great shepherd gave his life for us. Howwonderful world could be if there were no more violence and if we finally kept the peace!

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