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The Historian
(Elizabeth Kostova)

By Darren Cowan

The legend of Dracula first came to most of the western world via Bram Stoker?s classic novel, DRACULA in the late 1800?s. The majority of Eastern Europe, however, has cringed at the mention of Dracula?s name for over five centuries. Prince Dracula was a real ruler of a province in Romania during the middle part of 15th Century. Elizabeth Kostova uses her cast of fictional characters to answer the question of who Dracula really was or is!
A 17 year old girl refreshes the search for Dracula when she happens to find a mysterious and ancient book containing nothing but a woodcarving of a Dragon in her father?s study. When she inquires about the book to her historian father, he begins a long tale of adventure and mystery, which spans over two generations. Kostova?s characters study ancient manuscripts, books, letters, and folk songs to gain insight into the mystery of Vlad Dracula. Each source is a clue that leads the characters searching through out Europe. Kostova pays a keen eye to detail of the European country side and customs of each country. The front and back of the book feature a map of Europe so the reader can better envision the routes her characters take. In a way, the book can be considered partially a historical novel and partially a travel tale, and less a horror novel, although there are many suspenseful scenes showing the vampire hunters combat the bloods-sucking creatures of the night. THE HISTORIAN is less a horror novel and more a travel and historical tale because the tales of Vlad Dracula?s bloody history and details of the surrounding eastern European countryside are more widespread and obvious than the antagonists? duel with evil. What makes THE HISTORIAN an excellent read? Kostova?s expert blending of genres combined with her linking together of clues and the anticipation of whether the characters will find Dracula?s tomb or something equally gruesome is what moves this novel along and makes it a best seller.

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- The Historian

- Dracula

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