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Oedipus, a foster son of king and queen of Corinth was told by the Delph oracle that he would kill his father and be married to his mother. Unaware of his real past, Oedipus was convinced that the royal couple of corinth were his natural parents. Therefore he decided to leave Corinth for good. On his way he gets involve in a fight and he kills one of the travellers not knowing that it was his real father Laios. He continues his journey and comes to Thebes where he manages to solve the riddle given by the Sphinx and rids the city of its curse. This makes him the king of Thebes which involves marrying the queen who turns out to be Laios's widow, Oedipus's little suspecting mother. They have two sons, Eteocles and Polynicus, and two daughters, Antigone and Ismene. Finally, the whole truth is revealed to Oedipus, upon which he blinds himself and leaves Thebes. The two brothers, now forced to rule the city, fall into a quarrel and Eteocles drives his Polynicus out of the city. Feeling injured, the latter conspires with Thebes enemies and brings invasionto the city. The two brothers fight a duel in which both of them are killed. Now the queen's brother Creon is the only one to take over the power; he becomes king and orders a honourable funeral for Eteocles but the body of Polynicus, the traitor, is to be left for dogs and vultures. This is Creon's explicit and fixed command; anyone who disobeys is to be put to death. However, prompted by love of her brother as well as the divine laws that ordered appropriate funeral rites to the dead, Antigone decides to bury Polynicus. Ismene, overcome by fear, tries to dissuade Antigone from doing this, but it is to no avail. Antigone goes against Creon's orders and buries Polynices. She is condemned to death.

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