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Prometheus Bound

Prometheus Unbound is a play written by Aeschylus, one of the earliest of the Greek Playwrights.It is part of a trilogy about the Titan Prometheus who was punished by Zeus for helping mankind and bringing them the secret of fire.Unfortunately it is part of a trilogy of plays of which the other two have been lost.The play opens by Prometheus being held captive and chained to cliffs. A chorus of sea nymphs attempt to comfort him and he tells them how he had helped establish Zeus as the most powerful of the gods. But now power has turned Zeus into a tyrant. He tells them how his attempt to release mankind from under Zeus?s yolk has led to his being punished.He also tells them that Zeus will need a secret he holds and one day he will have to come to him and beg for his help.Oceanus, the father of the nymphs comes in his chariot drawn by winged horses. He tells Prometheus to be humble and submit to his punishment but Prometheus is proud and defiant.Next on the stage is a maiden who Zeus has turned into a cow. Her name is Io and she was once a favourite of the god but he turned against her and she is now condemned to be wander the world, goaded by a gadfly that is continually stinging her. Prometheus prophesies that she will eventually be restored to her true form and will give birth to a hero who will free him from his chains.Finally Zeus demands to learn Prometheus?s secret and when he refuses to give it to him he threatens him with an eagle that will eat his innards and as a grand finale smites the rocks around the defiant Titan with a thunderbolt.Write your abstract here.

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