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Secrets Of the Mind Millionaire
(T Harv Eker)

It reads and it places in practical these Principles of Wealth and with certainty it will give a great step for its wealth, in all the aspects![BR][BR]Principle of Wealth:[BR][BR]1) Its incomes grow in the same measure where you grow![BR]2) if voce desire to change the fruits necessary first to modify the raízes when it desires to move what he is vísivel before must be modified what it is invisible![BR]3) Everything is resulted lives in a world of cause and effect[BR]4) Programming leads the Thoughts, Thoughts leads the Feelings Feelings leads the Action, Action leads the Results[BR]5) Subconciente in the majority of the times opts to the emotion that generally is taken root![BR]6) The mind must be ready to accept the money [BR]7) To opt to ways to think favorable its happiness and to its success and to leave of side negative thoughts.[BR]8) The rich ones are not better only possess more money![BR]9) Not alive if complaining therefore one will go to become imã of bad things alive and pulsante.[BR]10 If you have as objective to only get some comfort probably she is this that will obtain, but if its objective is to enrich and provavel well that reach a confortavelmente rich situation![BR]11) You need to know what she wants![BR] 12) He needs to be definitive and to want to gain money.[BR]13) Abençõe what you desire[BR]The 14 leaders gain more money that its followers.[BR]15 Crescer pessoalmete so that if it becomes greater of what any problem.[BR]16) An oak of 30m had the mind of a human being would grow only 3m[BR]17Para all necessary giver to exist a receiver and pra all receiver a giver.[BR]18) It is always thankful what you already they possess [BR]19) The money will go to intensify what you already it is.[BR]20 Never estabeleça a ceiling for its incomes[BR]21 the true measure of wealth is the patrimony eliminates and not its incomes.[BR]22 Where the attention is that the energy flows and appears the result![BR]23 As it manages the money is so important how much the amount that possue.[BR]24 Control its money or will be controlled for it![BR]25 a true warrior is Only capable to domar the serpent of the fear[BR]26 If you are made use to only carry through that the life is easy will be dificil, but if to carry through what it is dificil the life will be facil. [BR]27 to gain the maximum you have that to be the maximum[BR]28 Saber to train and to manejar the proper mind are the biggest talent that if can have in the life in term of happiness success how much![BR][BR]DECLARATION:[BR][BR]I HAVE A MIND MILLIONAIRE! [BR]1) You forget what listening. You remember of what she sees. You understand what she makes[BR][BR]2) My interior world creates my exterior world![BR][BR]3) It adopts new forms to think they will contribute with its success![BR][BR]4) I become free myself of the negative last experiences with money and create for me a rich and new future.[BR][BR]5) I observe my thoughts feeding only the ones that fortify and favor[BR][BR]6) My goal is to be millionaire and more still[BR][BR]7) I commit myself to be rich![BR][BR]8) I focus the chances and not them obstacles![BR][BR]9) I admire the rich people, abençõo the rich people, love the rich people I I am a rich person.[BR][BR]10) I promote my value with passion and enthusiasm![BR][BR]11) I am an excellent receiver I am ready to receive great amounts from money![BR][BR]12) I always can have the two things the cake and a piece of the cake![BR][BR]13) I concentrate myself in the construction of my patrimony I eliminate.[BR][BR]14) The fellow creatures if attract money call money.[BR][BR]15) I manage well my money very.[BR][BR]16) My money works for me and if it multiplies![BR][BR]17) To always act![BR][BR]18) I commit myself to learn and crescersempre![BR][BR]19) He always repeats [BR]I HAVE A MIND MILLIONAIRE![BR][BR]20) Obliged obliged debtor is always thankful!

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