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The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe
(Douglas Adams)

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe- Douglas Adams is a wonderful follow up to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Adam?s intentions in writing this book are quite clear.it?s pure entertainment of the highest order! But if we were to look at this science fiction novel in terms of what it says about AI, I feel quite certainly that Adams believes, as I do, that mans obsession with making machines in his own likeness will eventually backfire on him.The second Hitchhikers novel picks up right where the first left off . The follow up to Hitchhiker's Guide is a fun, kooky book, but is not as hilarious as the first book.But surely its another award winning book by adam. Facing annihilation at the hands of the warlike Vogons is a curious time to have a craving for tea. It could only happen to the cosmically displaced Arthur Dent and his curious comrades in arms as they hurtle across space powered by pure improbability ? and desperately in search of a place to eat.If one is interested in what sorts of situations might arise from creating computers with intelligence and emotions, this book is a must. In the span of the entire series (a total of five books), Adams is able to describe quite a few scenarios, most of them at the expense of the characters. But all of them are "laugh out loud" funny. Indeed, dealing with intelligent, emotional robots may not get us where we really want to go with AI. But they do make for quite amusing stories!Review:Douglas Adams is a terrific satirist-The Washington Post Book WorldSURELY HATS OFF TO DOUGLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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- The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe

- The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe

- The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe

- The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe

- The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe

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