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The Hunchback Of Notre Dame
(Victor Hugo)

La Esmerlda was a beautiful Egyptian girl who danced on the streets of Paris. She had a goat named Djali who performed many tricks according to the beat of her tambourine. Many people believed her to be a sorceress. There was Dom Frollo, the Archdeacon of Notre Dame who thought that she had come from hell to torture him. Actually, the priest was madly in love with her and wanted her for himself. He hated anybody even looking at her. He couldn?t bear the thought of being separated from her and went to extremes to get her for himself. On the day the hunchback Quasimodo was elected the Pope of Fools, the priest tried to snatch Esmerlda but his plans were foiled because of Captain Phoebus, who came with soldiers and saved the girl. Quasimodo was caught as he helped the priest to snatch the girl. The Arch-deacon was the only person whom Quasimodo knew and loved and he would do anything for the priest. Quasimodo was tied kneeling to a wheel and was whipped. It was only then that he realized what had happened to him. Through half closed eyes he saw the priest come towards him and smiled. He was sure that the priest would come and save him. When the priest saw the hunchback he quickly went away and the hunchback was deeply hurt by this. When he cried out for water, the people who had surrounded him laughed and threw stones at him. Then he saw Esmerlda with a cup of water. She made him drink from the cup which moved him deeply.Gringoire, an author, tried to save Esmerlda from the hunchback before Phoebus came and saved her. When he was about to be hanged by the vagabonds for coming into their territory, Esmerlda married him which was the only way she could save him. She was grateful because he had tried to save her from the hunchback. Captain Phoebus liked Esmerlda and planned to see her alone when the priest overheard him. He told Phoebus that he would give him a coin if he could stay with him when he met the girl. Phoebus didn?t have money and readily accepted the proposal. The priest promised to remain invisible. When Phoebus tried to get close and kiss the girl, the priest suddenly appeared behind his back and stabbed him. The girl was accused of murder and put in prison. The priest visited the girl in prison and told her to accept him and he would do anything for her. She was shocked by his confession but preferred to die than be his lover. When she was taken out of prison and to be hanged, Quasimodo came down swiftly by a rope and carried her away into the Cathedral. In those days a criminal who entered the Cathedral was safe and could be caught only outside Notre Dame. Not knowing of the girl?s escape, the Archdeacon was frightened when he saw a girl and a goat on the roof of the Cathedral. He was sure that it was a ghost and he was in hell itself. When Gringorie learnt that Esmerlda was safe in the Cathedral he made plans to save her with the help of the vagabonds who liked the girl. Esmerlda was repulsed when she saw Quasimodo. He was an ugly man with a huge hunch between his shoulders, his legs were bow shaped, he had a horse-shoe shaped mouth and only one red eye. Because he was kind to her she made him come near. But seeing the disgust on her face he kept at a distance. He knew that a beautiful girl like her could never like an ugly man like him. When the vagabonds who were her friends came to save her, he thought that they were her enemies and tried to save her from them. With his planning and brute strength, he was able to fight the vagabonds single-handed. When the attack on the cathedral was going on, the kings soldiers came and the vagabonds vanished in all directions. In the confusion, Esmerlda disappeared and Quasimodo didn?t know what happened to her. When Quasimodo was fighting the vagabonds, the priest and Gringorie came to her cell and took her away in a boat to the other side of the river. Gringorie left her alone with the hooded figure whom she dreaded and decided to save her goat instead. The girl was left with the priest who hid his face all the while. When they were alone he removed his hood and then told her again that he could still save her. She refused, and he left her to the soldiers who came searching for her. The next day while the priest and the hunchback were watching from the roof of the Cathedral, they saw the soldiers hang the girl. The hunchback was angered when he saw the priest smile and pushed him down the roof. The priest died and the hunchback was nowhere to be found. Eighteen months later when the soldiers were searching for a body they saw a skeleton with a deformed back clinging on to another skeleton whom they guessed was a female because of the piece of white dress that clung on to the skeleton. The two skeletons crumbled when the soldiers tried to disengage them. They mingled with the dust and were lost.

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