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Tess Of The D'urbervilles
(Thomas Hardy)

Hardy's TessMost of the feminist writers believe that only women writers can write anything real about female experience. Anyone who is familiar with the novels of Thomas Hardy or D.H.Lawrence knows that it is not so. Hardy is a great novelist who can reproduce female experiences in minute details. Tess, in the novel, Tess of D'uberville, is the finest example. Here is a rustic girl, a symbol of all virtues, moving in the countryside like a deer or a rabit. She loves her parents, helps them in running the family, and is an ideal company to her young brother. Sex has not yet stirred her body or soul. But the fortune happened to be very cruel to her. The discovery of some proud ancestry takes her to the D'uberville house, where a gentle(?)man, named Alex, finds her as an ideal object to gratify his lust. She is cruelly seduced, gives birth to a child, and from now on, her life is going to be a battle with fate. The girl-mother is now an outcast with her bastard child, but she accepts all the challenges and continues to live. The child dies after an illness and the church refuses an honourable burial. Unmindful of this, she takes a strong decision to go ahead with her life. She goes away, far enough to forget her past and takes up the job of a farm maid. Among the girls working there, Tess seems to be the only girl pleasing to the owner, a young and handsome man, Angel Clare. But, Tess wants a free life, without anymore giving a chance to the past to resurrect again. Man cannot delight her anymore. The more she avoids Angel, the more he comes closer.This part of the novel is the most interesting part. Only a novelist like Hardy can write about love with so much force and intensity.The cows, milk, girls,Clare, love,etc., mix and move with a poetic rhythm in the story. Her confession of the unfortunate past in the form of a letter (Hardy's only weakness is in giving chance a chance to twist the story) gets swept under the carpet. She thinks that Angel is now ready to marry her as he has read about her past. She repeats the story of her past at the wedding night only to be thrown out again. The story moves. She is dropped again and again. Her power of resilience finally surrenders to the cruel fate. It is a fine novel. No lover of literature is likely to have missed this novel. This abstract is, therefore, to those who have missed reading it, or the young readers trying to get initiated into literature. Hardy is the writers' writer

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