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Los Hombres Son De Marte Las Mujeres Son De Venus
(John Gray)

this book is a guide to improve your relationship with your couple, everyday divorce grows more and more, unfortunately it is like a city, those outside want in, and those inside want out. In the different chapters we will find important points for a couple to analize, and this can be of help in their relationship. we will see the relastionship man - woman, woman - man; existing differences between both. Which could be the actual causes of the divisions between men and women? It is a complex subject, that ranges in many values, for example: comunication, comprehension, humbleness, liberty, responsibility, patients, etc. each of these values together mean a lot to the relationship, man - woman. Living together is sharing, caring about each other. It is giving and recieving. In a relationship one of the most important points is friendship, and knowing how to listen, this two bounds will help you turn your life, in something special. An old Hindu leyend talks about a time when all men were gods, but since they abused their divinity, Brahma-el Supreme God, decided to take away their divine power and hide it in a place where it would be imposible to find, and hid it in the most remote place of each being, because he thought no one would look there. The leyend ends telling that from that moment on men turned, explored, climbed and dived in to all seas, looking for something inside themself. It is in the same way, that we think that happiness is in the future, in the past, eternal happiness is here, in the present time, right here and now of each and everyone of us.

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