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Industrial And General Administration
(Henry Fayol)

Henry Fayol, who is known as the Father of Functional Management has identified the 14 principles of management in an organisation.

1. Division of Work-the principle of specialization applies to all kinds of work; 2.Authority and Responsibility-former is the right to give orders and get them obeyed and the latter is the duty which the subordinate is expected to perform;3.Dicipline-getting obedience to rules and regulations; 4. Unity of Command- one subordinatemust receive orders from one superior only; 5. Unity of Direction-there must beone head, one plan and one objective in an organozation 6. Subordination of Individual Interest- the interestof the organization is above the interest of the individuals.; 7. Remuneration- workers should be paid fair wages for their services; 8. Centralization- concentration ofauthorityat the top level; 9. Scalar Chain- a chain of authority moves from top to bottom; 10. Order-people and material should be in the right place and at the same time; 11. Equity- personnel must be treated with kindness; 12. Stability of Tenure of Personnel- every employee should be allowed to remain in a post and do his work for a minimum period; 13. Intiative- subordinates should begiven an opportunity to think and implement plans of action; 14. Exprit de crops- Unity amoungemployees can be accomplished by proper communication.

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