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(Gregory David Roberts)

ShantaramThe author Gregory David Roberts was a revolutionary who lost himself in a life of drugs and crime. He might have lived his life on the wrong side of the tracks but he has an exceptionally strong mind and good heart. He was held in a maximum-security prison in Australia but escaped soon after, living his life on the run. His entire life changed when he landed in Bombay, the city he now calls home. He had a number of mind changing encounters and experiences. He lived in the slums of Bombay where he learnt Hindi and soon became the slum doctor; he also sold drugs and laundered money to make ends meet, he then joined the elite Bombay Mafia Council and fought alongside the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan. He also spent time in a village called Sunder, where he learnt Marathi. It was there that he was given his name? Shantaram. The book is based on the author?s extraordinary adventures in India. He tells us about his friends, his enemies and his love. Shantaram may be a story of friendship, love and betrayal but what makes this unique is that this story is true.Shantaram tells us the story about his life in India. As a young man he attempted to leave the past behind and found his way to India. Over the years he had many riveting encounters, some of them sweet while others sour. He made a few enemies, was arrested in India and fought more than once for his life but more important was that he made many friends who he loved and still loves as his own family. Shantaram?s writings brighten up his encounters and individuals, keeping them alive not just in his own heart but in ours as well.This book can lose you in its pages of love, hate, humor, torture and philosophy. Shantaram has been written with intensity and his story eloquent. Shantaram is one of only a few books that will actually take your breath away!

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