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If you think that cocks are meant only to be eaten, think again. If it wasn?t for this intelligent cock we would have been living in the ice age. This is a story of ungrateful men who cursed the sun. It was summer but they expected it to be cool. When it was winter they wanted the sun?s warmth. But the sun did what it did every season. This summer it was hot as usual and they began to curse as the heat was unbearable. They cursed day and night and this angered the sun. It decided to hide and never come out again. The next day when it was dark and cool in the morning, the people rejoiced. They began to wonder about the sun only when it didn?t come out the next day too. The weather changed and it started to get cold. They had to keep a light burning all day and night. They couldn?t work in their fields anymore and life became difficult for them. They prayed and asked forgiveness but the sun didn?t come out.Then all the birds and animals approached the sun and asked him to come out or they would soon die. They begged him to come out but he refused. Then a rooster told all of them that he would talk to the sun and he wouldn?t refuse him. He went to the sun and told him that because it was dark many animals were trying to catch him. He said that if there was light he could save himself. The sun couldn?t refuse and told the rooster that whenever he was in danger he could call out and the sun would come and save him. So until this day,whenever the rooster crows the sun comes out to save him.

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