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Book: The 100
(Sadia Khatri)

I was looking for a book on concise biographies, when my eyes fell on this particular little wonder. One look at it and I was convinced it should belong in the library of every history buff out there. If you love learning about the lives of famous people, then this one is for you!Written by Michael H. Hart this book provides valuable information on countless influential individuals in history: a brief biography of the most famous names, illustrated with amusing anecdotes and pictures. His entertaining writing explains their lives, their stories and all that they accomplished.But what makes the book The 100: A ranking of the most influential persons in history stand out from the other books on famous people is that author Michael H. Hart has ranked the 100 persons in the order of how influential each one of them was, from his perspective. His reasoning of this chosen order and why he arranged his list the way he did may raise much controversy or agreement, depending on people's own ideas, but it brings a dramatic twist to the book nevertheless.What surprises one most of all is that, even though he is a Christian, Michael H. Hart put Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the most influential person on his list. Other names include those of Isaac Newton, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Confucius, etc. At the end, additional biographies of people such as Gandhi are also included, but these are not part of the prestigious group of the ?hundred influential.' The reader gets a new insight into history with this book, plus, it offers great reference. Michael H. Hart's style of writing is both easily understandable as well as entertaining, which makes it even more fun.

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