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Un Sanctions Against North Korea
(Puja Garg)

The UN Security Council imposed sanctions against North Korea for its claimed Nuclear Test in a meeting of the Council in Seoul. The first and foremost reason is that it is legally permitted by the UN rules to carry out such nuclear tests. Also America says that these tests are harmful to the inhabitants of North Korea. A news report from an English daily states that 2 million people are believed to have starved to death in N. Korea in the 1960?s because of bad harvests and decades of economic bungling.More worrisome for Washington is the possibility that North Korea, which has openly threatened to sell nuclear weapons, might happily accept some of Osama bin Laden's millions of dollars for one. In July, a leading scholar on nuclear risks, Harvard professor Graham Allison, called on the Bush administration to alert North Korea that it would regard any explosion of a nuclear weapon against a U.S. target as North Korean in origin, and make a full retaliatory response?. America wants to curb the growing terrorist activities, to put in a layman?s term. In January 2002, President Bush named North Korea, Iran and Iraq an "axis of evil" that threatened world peace by pursuing weapons of mass destruction.The US-sponsored resolution demands North Korea to eliminate all its nuclear weapons and ruled out any military action against it. Russia and China, the big nuclear powers of the world are demanding the implementation of the sanctions. The UN bans the sale of luxury goods to North Korea also. South Korea and Australia and Japan have welcomed the sanctions imposed on North Korea. China said it would not inspect cargo movements to and from North Korea and called for caution. China and South Korea very diplomatically held a conciliatory approach towards the resolution.North Korea immediately reacted to these sanctions by rejecting them. Its UN Ambassador simply walked out of the council chamber as a mark of refusal to accept them. They indirectly mentioned to the electronic media that they would not fear to war, of need be. Whatever are the intentions of different nations, a WAR must not be the result!

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