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Algerian Misfortune

It was 3 o'clock in the morning. We were all of a sudden woken up by the snoring of the engins. About 10 vehicles were parked very close. Through the window, at the light of the headlights, we could see the soldiers running in all directions. A few minutes were sufficient to install a frightening silence. Surprised, we went out, one after the other, without the least resistance. Deeply shocked, some people put their hands in the air without anybody asking them to. In front of the threat of the american weapons, their insults and kicks, the hostages found refuge in the trucks. I, I had preferred going out last, hoping to find a way to protest, but I quickly got dissuaded. The few people who, like me, tried to oppose, very quickly adapted to the orders of the soldiers. Once on the trucks, the reactions went fast: - "You were promised liberty, here you are free and happy as a bird", a salafist ironically says. "We're not joking with the promises of our soldiers", he adds, referring to my recent initiative. - "From now on, I will not trust anybody", someone else said. "Anyway, we have been immobilised in the trucks like charge-animals. Once installed on metallic benches, the police officers have put us shackles two by two and back to back, taking care to attach us to our metallic seats. I remember when one of them was holding my hand, all trembling like a chicken. Strange enough, I felt sorry for him. The mission lasted less than half an hour and without incidents. It had succeeded "five out of five", as confirmed a soldier by radio ! Before giving the departure signal, two soldiers armed with kalachnikovs take (took) place at the back of each truck. Where were we going ? Why at this hour and what did they want from us ? Nobody seemed to have the answer. Even the captain Rezigue who pretended being my friend hid me from the truth. He anyhow had the guts to come and greet me before leaving. He has swoarn that I had nothing to fear except from being brought in front of justice and being liberated. "It's just a formality" he assured me. "Moreover, only ten people are asked for by justice." And he left me by giving me an appointment at the pharmacy for a game of scrabble, giving me without realising it, false hopes. At the departure signal, the prisoners spontaneously started to stamp with their feet and scream, scanding famous slogans against the government. This delayed our departure by fear of an eventual "terrorist-attack". After a few minutes of waiting the convoy is (was) authorised to hit the road in a tumultuous atmosphere. - "Your friend takes us for idiots, what !", Mustapha comments (commented). "They make us climb on the trucks at 3 o'clock in the morning and bind us for an ordinary formality !" Everybody laughed. - "They're soldiers, my dear", I said to him. "Naked of scruples, nothing can stop them to achieve their goals !"

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