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(Cornelia Funke)

Meggie had it. To Meggie, her dad was Mortimer Folchart or Mo. But to them, those people, those things, he was Silvertongue. The gift. Mo didnt want it, but he had it and so Meggie got it. The gift to love books so much, that it would become real. Characters, items appear as if driven by some magic. But when Dustfinger appeared, Resa disappeared. Resa. The second lady that was most important to Mo. She came back, dumb. She couldnt talk, he voice had been left behind in the book. Years of being slaves to the Mortola, mother of Capricorn. He brought the Shadow out to kill Silvertongue and his daughter but was unsuccessfull and died, killed by his own creation. See but that was Inkheart. But nothing ended. Just like Mo said, Stories never do end, even if the book likes to pretend they do. So Dustfinger the fire eater, found the devoted reader of Inkheart another person with the gift. And read him back. But he left Farid behind. Oh Farid, the desperate devoted apprentice. He knew his teachers fate, because Meggie had told him. So Meggie read him in to warn him about Gwin, the horned martin, a favorite pet of Dustfinger. But she went in too, and by accident, the horned martin. Silvertongue got an arrow in his back, nearly died but Resa's love for him deepened so badly that her voice came back, and Silvertongue lived to hear it, and embrace it. Of course, fire was performed, fire became a friend, made Farid and Dustfinger invisible, fire saved lifes, fire helped rebuild lifes. And Silvertongue, made a man immortal for a few weeks. To save his daughter, himself and Resa. Meggie fell in love, so did Farid, and when Farid nearly died from the sword that Basta put in him. Basta, the evil companion of Capricorn. When Farid nearly die, did die, he was in Meggies arms. because they loved each other. But Dustfinger loved the boy more then he first assumed and he summoned the White Woman, enchanced them with the fire and swapped the life of Farid for his own eternity with the White Woman. Orpheus, the person who read Dustfinger into the book, made Farid his slave for the swap that Orpheus would write a story where Dustfinger came back to life. But that was the end. But not the end, not if Mo, Meggie, Dustfinger, Farid, Gwin, Resa, Capricorn, Basta, Mortola and Orpheus have anything to say.

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