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The Vampire Mountain

SHAN, DARREN - THE DARREN SHAN SAGA 4/. THE VAMPIRE MOUNTAIN 2001 Harper Collins. The fourth book in the series is the beginning of a three-volume story arc in Darren?s ongoing saga. Des Tiny obliges on Darren and Mister Crepsley to go on a vampire pilgrimage to the Vampire Mountain, in effect the underground cave that serves as the capital city of the vampires. Mr. Crepsley is reluctant, as he turned down princedom and left the city under something of a cloud. The journey to the Mountain is arduous, and even dangerous Darren and Mr. Crepsley are joined by two of the mute dwarfs who have served under Des Tiny since book two/ Darren also takes his spider, Madam Otta, in a cage. On the way, wolves attack the vampires, but Darren befriends them. Other attacks prove to be more dangerous. The evil Vampaneze race is at large on the route and they engineer a series of attacks on the party. In one such attack, one of the dwarfs is killed. The other one now surprises Darren by starting to speak. His name is .Harkat Mulds He vows to serve Darren in total loyalty. At the Mountain, the vampires find the secret paths through the caves to the vampire citadel where they are welcomed by a feast. Some vampires are wary of the presence around the cave system of the Vampaneze. Some want to go out and fight them. Others suggest an alliance and a peace treaty. It is clear that the vampire community is in some schism on the issue. Then comes an expression of anger to Darren?s status as a half-vampire. Mr. Crepsley has not gained permission from the vampire princes to make a boy into a vampire. For population purposes such a rule must be enforced Darren is told that he must take tests to see if he is worthy to become a full vampire. The only catch is that if he fails the tests he will die. Despite the risks, Darren agrees to go ahead with the ordeals that will form the backbone of book five in this astonishing series. http://www.darrenshan.com/

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- Hunters Of The Dusk

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- Shan, Darren

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