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Shan, Darren

SHAN, DARREN - THE DARREN SHAN SAGA 1/. CIRQUE DU FREAK. 1999 Harper Collins. Darren Shan is the pseudonym of Irish author, Darren O'Shaughnessy. Darren writes about himself in the first person, relating his adventures as a vampire?s assistant. The first book naturally concerns how he became a half-vampire in the first place. The book is surprisingly gruesome for a children?s story, aimed at the more mature teenage market. Spiders fascinate Darren. He even had a pet tarantula, which he accidentally killed by sucking it up inside the vacuum cleaner, not realising that it would be torn to bits by the blades within. When a circus comes to town Darren, and his friend, Steve, go to watch. The circus is a freak show run by freaks with very real magical powers. One act is that of a man who can cut off limbs and regrow them. A bearded lady shaves herself and regrows her beard instantly. A snake boy not only has pet snakes, he sheds his own skin like a snake would do too. The highlight of the show however is that of one Mr. Crepsley and his performing poisonous tarantula, Madam Otta. The spider can only be controlled by use of a flute. After the show, Darren decides to steal the spider and keep it. His friend Steve has his own reasons for breaking into the circus. Vampires fascinate him. He has studied them well enough to recognise the possibility that Mr. Crepsley might actually be one. Steve wants Mr. Crepsley to make him a vampire too, so he can live forever. Darren steals the spider, but it escapes from his control and bites Steve, putting the boy into a coma. Darren has to go to Mr. Crepsley to apologise and ask for his help in saving Steve?s life. Mr. Crepsley agrees on only one condition. Darren must become Mr. Crepsley half-vampire servant. Darren agrees. He gets Steve free from the poisonous effects of the spider bite but then has to fake his own death, and leave his own family forever. His escape does not go smoothly however. Steve sees him, and angry that Mr. Crepsley refuses to make him a vampire too, he vows to hunt the air down and kill them one day. Darren and his master now go on to their next adventure. Dark, original and very well written material. As good as any vampire book penned for adults. The sequels are, all excellent too.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Vampire's Assistant

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- The Darren Shan Saga 9 Killers O The Dawn

- The Darren Shan Saga 9 Killers O The Dawn

- The Saga Of Darren Shan #11 Lord Of The Shadows

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