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(John C. Maxwell)

Let me give you four benefits of pursuing your potential, even during seasons of success. · We have higher self-esteem. People that are constantly learning and growing have a good self-image. · We are willing to change and risk. One of the obvious evidences of growing people is that they are constantly changing and risking. Show me a person that doesn''t change, that doesn''t risk, and I''ll show you a person that''s not growing. · Our passion increases. When we begin to grow personally, our passion for life and learning begins to increase proportionately. · We lift the lid for others. What a leader does determines what everybody else is going to do. The people don''t pass the leader. An organization''s growth doesn''t outpace the leader''s progress. As I lift the lid for myself, I lift the lid for others. One of the most amazing things to me is how much room there is at the top. On the other hand, it''s jam-packed and crowded at the bottom. On the streets of average, there''s traffic and congestion, but success has so few people on the roads. It''s amazing how the higher you go, the less people there are. Three percent of the people in the United States have a library card. Six percent of Americans believe Elvis is still alive. Trust me, there''s a lot of room at the top. As a leader you should learn like you''ll live forever and live like you''ll die tomorrow. Either way, you''re covered. Return to top

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