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Is Security Council Justifying A Peace Process?
(Daljit Khankhana)

Defense of a Nation, Personal security and a family safety is a major important issue in the modern Nuclear-developing World. North Korean testimony of Nuclear weapons is current affair for the world civic society who claims that they believe in Peace.Power always counts in everybody?s daily routine. China is becoming a super power. We need to clarify the role of World powers who justify the development of Peace. One day Hong Kong was a Country but Britain handed over to China because China was a power.One day East Germany was a Country, USSR handed over to East Germany because Europe is a Power.When Iraqi President Saddam Hussein claimed that Kuwait is a part of Iraq when they are powerless, British system separated their part forcefully and they tried to capture their divided part and World forces attacked on Iraq and destroyed them.Iraqi President Saddam Hessian is facing legal action because he was presiding his nation when Kurdish nation was killed innocently in thousands. It is very fair.No Mass destruction weapons were found in Iraq and thousands innocent had been killed since US and Allies attacked wrongfully to depart President Saddam Hussein on the name of Democracy and peace.Could you analyze the peace process? If Iraq has nuclear capability nobody dared to kill their innocents in thousands.India has development of nuclear power although world knew that discrimination is super progressive on the base of caste and responsible to kill millions in the belly of poverty, poors are poor to kill innocent girls because they can?t afford to pay their dowry. After 9/11 US known that Usama Bin Laden and His fellows as they were captured in Pakistan are resided temporarily and responsible to provoke terrorism as US representative claimed that Pakistan should aware to reduce terrorism in Indian valley of Kashmir that means they knew that Pakistan has such activities those are responsible to kill innocents in Indian Kashmir. Although US President George Bush announced a huge reward to capture Usama Bin Laden alive or dead and attacked on Iraq and Afghanistan under their suspicion that they are support of Usama Bin Laden or his organisation.If Iraq or Afghanistan has such Nuclear power nobody dared to kill them innocently.Under such annalistic symptoms the power has a big role in our daily life. Nobody will dare to demand as Security Council and UN is seeking a resolution against North Korean who dared to test Nuclear power. Defense is everybody?s matter. North Korea and South Korea is a country that has been divided into two portions. If UN seeks a resolution against North Korea they also need observation that North Korea is also willing their land back as China got it with his Nuclear power.We need to justify the role of Security Council before to land a resolution that in what circumstances North Korea proceeding development of weapons.If US has right to kill terrorists as they did after 9/11 and ruined countries for their security and safety reward then everybody need to justify their power for defense.Security Council need to draw a resolution as Saddam Hussein is facing legal action the others who are responsible to kill innocents in thousands should be proceeded.If Security Council is seeking resolution to maintain peace then they need a resolution to demolish a border between North Korea and South Korea so nobody feels danger of power as North Korea felt from US and exercising Nuclear Power.

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