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The Sleepwalker
(kunle soile)

it was during school busiest weeks. Temi had to go to classes by 7.00am. she didnt want to be found one thing by her lecturer. He was one of the curel lecturers employed into the All Saints' College. It was located at the north central of Ibadanin Nigeria. It was a distance from there residence in Ibadan, she had to stay in the domitory. She had just been informed by Lola that morning that she had sleepedwalked the nigth before. She wasn't having a nice day because she knew due to her past experience any time she had sleepedwalked someone was going to die in her visinity. She didn't know what she use to do while sleepwalking The news came on thomas ligan was dead, he was hit on the head she had killed her boyfriend, she was doomed. She soon remembered that she didint remeber what ever she had done while sleepwalking. Deaths of many other of her collegues had been attacked on prevent nigths which had coincided with night she sleepwalked. Temi had never known herself to doing good while sleepwalking Last time it was her hitting her sister on the head. could she be the one

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