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Males and females have many different opinions in term of choosing their mates and long-term partners. But I strongly agree with Buss on the idea that women give more importance to kindness and generosity in term of choosing their long-term partner. Because I noticed that a man who is kind and generous will spend more time on her and then show love and take good care of the family. But one thing that I do not really agree with Buss is the idea of resource, I do believe that women give importance to resources but to me it is not just for their children but also most for themselves. Because I have the example of a two kids mom who divorce with her husband after he won three million dollar last summer. By divorcing, she did not care about the kids but the money. Also we have more and women who do not want to have kids and still choose their mates base on financial views. One more thing is that I noticed that women like to show off. For example they like to wear expensive clothes with brand name such as Kenneth Cole, they like diamonds and gold. Also women like to enjoy life especially by going to vacation in the Caribbean (Trinidad and Tobago). So women are more likely to refer on financial view in term of choosing their mates because they want to acquire that stuff. Men in the other hand do give too much importance to money because they think that they are the ones who have to provide for the family.

The primary difference between Hetherington and Wallerstein theories about divorce is that Hetherington states that the impact of divorce occurs in childhood and adolescence while Wallerstein states that it occurs across the life spend time but more in adulthood. I agree with Wallerstein because I think that the problems that we had faced as a child will play a role in our life as adult. For example a child from divorce family will experience an unstable relationship between male and female. He will then have a lot of stress in term of choosing a mate means confusion, not to much trust and always not feeling ready for serious engagements such as marriage. Also I disagree with Hetherington when he says that children recover easily on the impact of a divorce. To me those sufferings due to the absence of one of the parent stay in their mind forever. Because adults from divorce family are used to take care of themselves so they keep their own problem in their mind not talking to somebody so they easily give in to alcohol and drug abuse. That is the reason why the adult of divorce family do not want their children to experience the same problems that they had faced in their childhood.

. Also what I respect in my religion is the sense of helping. The other takes an important sense in Islam so we are told to help and I do so. By helping I see that I am not living only for my self but for the others too. Another thing that gives importance to me is the happiness of my parents. Because without them I wouldn?t be here now so I am very happy to see my mom or my dad laughing. For example six months after I arrived in America I got to buy a dress for my mom for my brother?s weddings. I couldn?t believe how happy my mom was when she got the present. I was happy to 4. According to me I do not think that it is good for the culture and society to accept single parenting as normal. Society as group of life needs children who have gain a certain kind of education that single parenting can not offer. A child should at least be raised by two people and especially his own parents. Because it is only the parents who can better educate their child for example they are more involved than any one else they see their child as themselves they know him better and can understand his behavior. Also children are more able to pay attention to their parents than any one else. But imagine a child who is raised by only his mother. As we know in America, she will have to work to support her child and therefore who will take care of the child during her absence? How long will she talk to her child a day? And imagine if she works nighttime when the child needs more of her presence. This child will have to take care of himself, he will feel abandon and experience a lot of stress, which can end up in drug abuse, and a high level of suicide in the society.

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